- Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World
- Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook
- 20 Minutes to Dinner: Quick, Low-Fat, Low-Calorie Vegetarian Meals
- Microwave
- Stove with Oven
- Chef Knife
- Wooden Rolling Pin (cheap from Target)
- Preserve Cutting Board
- Oster Hand Blender
- Crockpot
- Pasta Machine
- 14-inch Nonstick Wok
- 10-Inch Bamboo Steamer
- A Pair of Bamboo Spatulas
- Aroma Rice Cooker
- Electric Kettle
- A Pot (shared)
- A Plastic Strainer, and
- Assorted Mixing Bowls
- And most of the normal stuff found in a kitchen- can opener, whisk, forks, plates, etc.
Links go to either exactly what I have, or the closest example I could find. Some of the stuff is really useful, some not so much. I use the wok just about every day, the rice cooker about once a week, and the crockpot any time I want to cook beans from dry. I admit, I also have a Brita Water Pitcher
, but it's still in the box.
If I get anything else, or find anything else, I'll add it to the list.