Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 55- Homefries and Salad

I finished off the last bag of potatoes, made homefries and covered them with "cheese". Talk about yummy. I thought I got a picture of it, but I can't find it in my camera now. Huge salad and Daiya melted over pintos for dinner, can't find that one either...

I have *no idea* how people can actually manage to remember to take a picture of *every single thing* they eat, every day. I cannot conceive of that kind of follow through. Which is probably why I don't have some snazzy office job. Well, or any job, if it comes to that.

This afternoon, while doing the "fill out applications for the amazing application/ resume black hole monster thing" thing, I stopped by the vegetable bin downtown. Picked up a Huuuuge head of green leaf lettuce, two roma tomatoes (.2lbs/ea), two plantains ($.79/lb), and another 5 pounds of potatoes- $4.26. Not bad. Not great, but I gave in to some pretty serious temptation.

They also had huge bunches of fresh local collard greens on ice for $1.99 each. Super tempting, but way out of my budget.

Then tonight I hit Publix for sale price zucchini and not too overpriced onions. I begin to think that Publix doesn't train the register-types in veggie identification. Last time they sold me a (small, sad) yellow onion as a super spendy sweet onion. This time the cashier confused zucchini (.99/lb) with cucumbers (.79/ea). "I'm sorry, those are zucchini, not cucumbers", and she took a loooong time looking them over.

Dude, I've been a cashier. These were not the confusing Monster Zucchini of DOOM. These were light skinned, small zucchini with *really obvious* stem ends. Like a 4 year old could tell the difference. If you're not sure what something is, ask! The customers (should) know what they are buying. same with cilantro and parsley. If you can't tell, ask. It is interesting, though, how both times it's been produce on a big sale.

But dude, seriously- if I catch something wrong when you're ringing me up, don't get huffy- it takes half a second to take it off. And if the customer says "don't worry, it happens to everyone", don't assume that means it's ok to move slower, act angrier, or otherwise be more pissy. That 60 cents might be important. Management, what ever they say, would much rather have a *slightly* slower, more accurate cashier, than angry customers and off counts. They just like to complain.

sorry, ranting over.

So, hows about them mets?


  1. I've been meaning to ask. What would getting a job do to your budget? I know if you come into a large amount of money (unlikely, as you said), this is off. But what about a job?

    I had a girl ring up a personal watermelon as a honeydew before. I don't remember the price difference, but she didn't like to be corrected, even though I was polite.

    I think it just goes to show that alot of people have zero awareness for vegetables/fruits outside of the staples, iceberg, apples, tomato, green beans, etc. Which is a very sad thing indeed.

  2. A job doesn't make much of a difference. my focus (once I have a job that covers more than the minimum) is paying the maximum possible toward my student loans and credit cards and whatnot. so a job doesn't really change anything.

    ok, that's a bit of a fib- if I end up with something super physical, i might need to increase the budget, just to keep calorie counts up high enough.

    The lack of knowledge about fruit and veggies is sad, I agree.

  3. Almost every time I buy an artichoke, the cashier looks at it like some crazy alien food and has to ask me, and usually another employee (in case I just conjured the thing up out of my imagination?) what it is.

  4. I just watched the second episode of Jamie Oliver's Food Revelution on Hulu and was shocked that none of the six year olds could identify even tomatoes or potatoes. Shocking! Even more shocking was all the ads were for Hot Pocket Side Kicks (white bread balls fills with ground meat and cheese) and Stoufers microwave meatball subs. Here's a show about a guy trying to teach a school to eat whole foods and every ad was for fat filled processed food. Hmmm..anyone wonder about obesity statistics for kids?

    I am often asked by cashiers what the produce is that I'm buying. Some will even ask how to cook it so they can try it.

  5. Cammy- I'm pretty sure this lady could have picked out okra blindfolded at 20 feet. It's just them strange "forn" veggies that seem to throw them off. And for some reason the male cashiers seem not so knowledgeable about the veggies- which makes sense. I don't think I've seen my (male) roommates eat one veggie (other than fries) yet.

    DonShe- I love the foreign grocers for just that reason- *I* get to ask what it is and what to do with it. Not knowing what the veggies are in the *normal* grocery store, though? No excuse.

  6. When my sister and I were living together in Brooklyn, we had a rule: each week we visited the farmer's market, and we had to buy one item we'd never cooked before and make it. It was fun, but I think it's also what started my quasi-obsession with cooking, which isn't a cheap hobby.

  7. I dunno... it's cheaper than *other* hobbies. I've yet to figure out how to drop $1500 on a tiny kitchen gadget. I could manage that in a shoe store faster than I want to admit. And airline tickets? zomg.

  8. I've seen really beautiful motorized pasta makers for about that much. It can be done.

    But I absolutely agree on the shoes and tickets issue. What's really awful are those gorgeous international terminals like the ones at Heathrow, you can blow a wad on the ticket, and then shop yourself further into debt while you wait to board.

  9. Lol- yeah, I'll give you the pasta maker- but you have to look long and hard for those few big ticket (non whole new kitchen) options.

    Try Sidney- if you don't have clearance to leave the airport, there's nothing to do on a layover but sleep or shop. Next time I'll make sure I pay the exit tax.
